Friday, August 8, 2008

Do You Think That if You Were Falling in Space, You'd Slow Down After a While?

Or go faster and faster?

This is a reboot of my previous blog, "Life, Unlike Writing". I had no real purpose at that time, a definite but far-off goal, and a long road to nowhere in particular. That has all changed, hence the fresh start.

I'm writing this from Orlando International Airport, waiting to board a flight to Vancouver via Atlanta. Once in Vancouver, I'll begin working as a videographer for a major cruise line. It's a fantastic opportunity, considering the short time I've been a member of the working class, and since I'll be traveling from Vancouver to Alaska, I'll have a chance to experience some exquisite natural beauty.

With this blog, I hope to take you (the reader) on the journey with me, to drag you through the pitfalls and lift you up for the highlights, all as it happens (relatively speaking). I'll update entries with pictures whenever I can, and hopefully my writing skills can adequately convey the wonder and majesty of what I encounter.

To avoid draining my laptop's battery, I'll keep it brief. Maybe another quick update from Atlanta. For now, just sit back and enjoy the read.

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